Well, after 7 years it seems about time to give this site an update. I’ve upgraded the software, installed a new theme, and moved to a real custom domain name. Please update any links you have, though the old URLs should all redirect to the new domain name correctly.
You may also note that the name has changed. Paul’s Blog is now Paul’s Gameblog. It’s subtle, but I felt like the old name was a bit too generic. Given that all my posts tend to be about gaming, be it hobbyist RPG/boardgame stuff or my professional work in video game development, I figured I might as well include that focus in the name. Not that I was able to come up with anything much better. So I did what any good creator does when blocked, I stole — thanks Jeff Rients.
I’m hoping these changes also help motivate me to post more regularly. I know I tend to write in spurts and fits — every time I get into a good groove of posting regularly something seems to come up causing me to vanish for a while. We’ll see if this does the trick.
I may continue to tweak and tune stuff on the site. Please let me know if you discover any features that are no longer working correctly. Thanks!
It looks good.
Write when you want to and write what you want. If this becomes work, take another break. I’ll be watching. A lot of folks will be watching. But do it for you, that’s the best way to make an excellent blog.
Nicely spruced, sir! I especially dig the header, as I have seen it in person. š