I’m super excited to announce that starting this Sunday, October 27th, Mini Insanity Cards will be available via crowd sale on The Game Crafter! I thought I wasn’t going to get to announce this until December, but the good folks at The Game Crafter have very kindly bumped my timeline up to coincide with Halloween. But that’s not all…
I am simultaneously releasing the Print and Play edition of Insanity Cards! This is a digital PDF version of Insanity Cards available now at DriveThruRPG. The print and play edition comes with the complete rules, plus printable images of both the original jumbo sized cards, and the new mini poker sized cards.
When I first announced Insanity Cards nearly a year ago, I received several requests for a purely digital format. Folks using digital tools like Roll 20 or similar and my international friends for whom shipping can cost more than the product itself were eager to have a digital version.
I admit I was a little skeptical at first since I think the cards work best in their physical form, and printing out your own 3.5″ x 5.5″ is likely to be pretty taxing on your printer. The existence of the poker sized cards definitely helps this – you get a lot more cards per page. I also shrunk the jumbo cards just a little bit in the digital version so I could fit 4 cards per page, which is still a lot of printing if you go this route. Personally, I still much prefer the cards that Game Crafter makes, but if digital is the best option for you, I wanted to make it available.
I’ve also taken this opportunity to update the Insanity Cards product page here on my blog, now with a very easy to remember permanent link (paulsgameblog.com/insanitycards). I also updated my post on using Insanity Cards with various RPGs, including new notes on 5th edition D&D and 4th edition Warhammer Fantasy RPG as both of those were missing. I’ll keep tabs on that post and continue to update it if anyone comes up with another system they’d like to see included.
And that’s all my news on Insanity Cards. If you’re interested in the mini deck, I definitely recommend getting in on the crowd sale, as you’ll get them much cheaper that way. If you run your horror games to the hilt with larger groups like I do, you might even want to scoop up two decks.